Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There are a few reasons why I started this blog.  Partly to showcase my other work, share a few thoughts, and keep clients up to date...
From the moment I started though, I made a conscious decision not to divulge much, if any, personal information.  Not only because blogs like mine are an "open" public forum, (though 90% still prefer to comment via email and not directly on this blog) but simply put - it's just not my style or nature. 

That's why all I can say is that I'll finally be starting a very personal photo project I've been planning for a while.  

I will share some info though - my new website (and blog) URL will be posted pretty soon!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Print Me

As I was going through my archives, I came across or should I say rediscovered  (since I forgot they existed), a bunch of images in a folder titled "b+w, to be printed."  I know - what an uninspiring/non-descriptive title.

People assume I must have many of my own prints framed and hanging throughout my place. Just ask my friends about the empty frames hanging on the walls!

Friday, November 7, 2008


While watching the news earlier today, the meteorologist informed the viewers that there's "possible" wet weather on the way, and "we should have our umbrellas ready."  (Mind you, this is one of the only jobs where you can be wrong 100% of the time and not worry about getting fired!)  Can't think of anymore - are there any?

Therefore, with the cold & unpleasant weather approaching/already here - perhaps this photo of umbrellas is more to your liking!